
Yeah, I’m a huge book lover who is super attached to my collection and I once had this mindset, but then I read an article by a librarian about this exact thing and realized that considering every book sacred and throwing them out as some sort of blasphemy is just... not realistic. We can’t keep around every mass

I didn’t know either, we can be oblivious together.

Yeah, as someone that’s on tumblr for fandom the jokes about how tumblr is going to die and porn was the only thing it was good for are getting a little annoying. #possiblyoversensitive #thathellsiteisimportanttometho

Fanfic smut (“written erotica”) is allowed apparently, but given tumblr’s ineptitude I don’t trust anything to be safe.

THIS. Fellow person with a (pretty drastic) deficiency here vitamin D may not prevent cancer or heart disease, but it’s important for your health in other ways.

Yeah, it really only looks like a headless chicken in that one screenshot, where it’s in that one position and seen from one angle for like two seconds. Watching the video I thought it was beautiful.

Yeah, I was sort of intrigued-but probably-not-enough-to-watch when I first heard about this, but then I found out Michelle’s in it and suddenly my interest went way up...

Also came to the comments for this.

Yeah, same.  It seems nice and charming if you don’t know the backstory but... :\

The farther down I read the creepier this guy gets...

Oh man, 093 was one of the first ones I read and it FUCKED ME UP. I still get creeped out just thinking about it.

Starring for the SCP Foundation shoutout.

One thing (out of many) that frustrates me about the anti-trigger warning people is that they don’t understand that often trigger warnings don’t mean a person won’t read the book, it means they can prepare themselves for the trigger so they’re not taken by surprise.

Huh, my grandma donated her body to science and when she died the people from the hospital came and got her, did everything themselves, we didn’t have to do or pay for a thing. Maybe it varies from hospital to hospital?

The eternal question.

I have a Doctor Who coloring book and one of the pages is just a big ol’ illustration of the first woman that gets affected by the Mars water. And I’m like... I don’t even like to think about that image, much less stare at it for extended periods of time while I color it in. Why would they do this.

Exactly. I’ve developed an automatic response to it, except here it’s a different guy and it’s his actual name.

I just want to say that I don’t have any idea who Pete Davidson is but as a fan of Classic Doctor Who I do a really weird double-take every time I see his name. My brain is like “THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S SPELL — oh wait.”