
Doctor Who and Blake's 7!

Gotta say I can't blame you in the circumstances. Lis Sladen's death was devastating and I would not have been worried about possibly seeming like an ass right after it happened. I mean, it's just plain rude to talk during a moment of silence for someone who has passed.

Man, as a hardcore Whovian, I hate when people freak out over anyone calling him Doctor Who. He's been referred to as such for years, he was credited as Dr. Who in the end credits up until the Davison era, and in "The Underwater Menace" the Doctor even signed a note "Dr. W."

(But not that the Liberator was a glowing green scrotum with four thrusting space-shafts).


Yup, I'm dumb, sorry. D:

Wait, it sounds like you thought it was serious? It's melodramatic and ridiculous because it's satire.

If you're serious about wanting to follow Romana's adventures, here you go.

Oh good, I'm not the only one to have that reaction to this piece.

I do that pretty much every time they link to Entertainment Weekly.

I'll put it on my (way too long) list of shows I have to watch. I get a lot of joy out of catching references in things.

Ahh, I've never seen Queer as Folk.

it is not a bad thing to make a sexy pose with something you like. There's nothing wrong with that action. If you have a problem with it, that problem lies with you, not with the woman doing it.

The Doctor agrees with these gals:

I'm the same, but I think I've just been lucky. I've certainly seen and read enough online to know it's really an issue.

That is... not close, but not out of the question for a visit!


One can't like both fashion and geeky things? You have to pick between one or the other?

This theory was discussed in a class I was in once, and the first time the professor said grue I had to stop myself bursting out laughing.