It didn't sound like it, but I'm actually rather fond of the look as well.
It didn't sound like it, but I'm actually rather fond of the look as well.
I have very androgynous features. They can kind of go either way — I can make myself look feminine with makeup and contacts (glasses are not especially flattering on me), but without them and with my short hair I've been called "sir" more than once.
I actually wear clothes well (oh my god is this me admitting something positive about my appearance??) and can pull off the jeans and t-shirt look — I've been told I look put together when I really just threw on whatever. It's really my face that I'm insecure about, and my hair when I don't have it short enough that…
Pretty much everything you said is very familiar to me.
Team Forever Alone high-five!
THANK YOU. I fucking hate Richard Dawkins, but I'm always a bit scared to say it because people love him so much. He's a self-important, judgmental asshole.
Dude, I've never seen any of this before! I guess they left this stuff out of my art history classes.
Am I the only person who likes discussing dreams? Sometimes they're really interesting. I like hearing about the weird dreams my friends have. One friend of mine has the most bizarre, fucked up dreams ever and they're pretty fascinating.
This article was WRITTEN FOR you.
Holy shit, that gif. I don't know how I feel about it.
It looks like an infant.
Yeah, the fact that it looks like a baby is really, really creepy.
Ugh, that's a tough situation. I hope you find some sort of way to deal with her and not explode from rage. Maybe discuss it with her if you get near the subject when you're talking about politics, etc?
I feel you — I recently found out that someone I liked said something really gross and racist. Thank god I wasn't good friends with her or anything.
You were confusing her with your fancy-pants "knowledge" of historical "facts."
Ooh, I'll definitely have to make a visit. I only live about an hour away from Baltimore.
They really are. Many of their stories are (unsurprisingly) quite tragic. Johnny Eck's later life I find quite affecting.