I'm always glad to see people acknowledging that dolphins are assholes. They're animals, not some sort of peaceful, spiritual, magical beings that transcend the harsh realities of nature.
They've watched a few episodes, but I'm not sure if I could get them to watch the whole series. It doesn't feel like it because I'm so into it now, but I only started watching the show in December. It was mentioned on a blog I was reading and I saw it was created by Terry Nation (I'm a Whovian), so I decided to give…
My parents have one in their room (college student living at home, here), but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want me invading every time I wanted to watch B7.
Blake's 7! It's a British sci fi show from the late 70s/early 80s. Very low budget, but brilliant and not nearly as well known as it should be, considering its influence on a lot of later sci fi tv.
Or will it be Weasleys and Snapes?
Do it. It is the best thing.
I'm pretty sure that when Avon laughs it counts as a sneer.
High fives for being a fellow Blake's 7 fan!
AHAHA I can't believe you just told that story on Jezebel.
I live in a hole and I've been pretty much oblivious to these apparent pastry crazes and gendering of certain sweets, so these concerns are new to me.
Well thank you!