

I got this as a "sponsored post" back when the Boston bombings had just happened and when I tried to report it and the heinous page it came from as hate speech, I got the same reply.

I'm always glad to see people acknowledging that dolphins are assholes. They're animals, not some sort of peaceful, spiritual, magical beings that transcend the harsh realities of nature.

They've watched a few episodes, but I'm not sure if I could get them to watch the whole series. It doesn't feel like it because I'm so into it now, but I only started watching the show in December. It was mentioned on a blog I was reading and I saw it was created by Terry Nation (I'm a Whovian), so I decided to give

My parents have one in their room (college student living at home, here), but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want me invading every time I wanted to watch B7.

Blake's 7! It's a British sci fi show from the late 70s/early 80s. Very low budget, but brilliant and not nearly as well known as it should be, considering its influence on a lot of later sci fi tv.

Do it. It is the best thing.

I'm pretty sure that when Avon laughs it counts as a sneer.

I cannot deny a request for Avon.

High fives for being a fellow Blake's 7 fan!

But til then, please, shave your pubic hair.

AHAHA I can't believe you just told that story on Jezebel.



I second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. this sentiment.

I live in a hole and I've been pretty much oblivious to these apparent pastry crazes and gendering of certain sweets, so these concerns are new to me.

My first thought: spontaneous combustion. Maybe red wasn't a good choice for the only color.

Well thank you!