
I'm traveling this summer and I'm not bringing any books because I'm packing light and don't want to weigh down my one bag I'll be toting around.

I still have the box, too!

These are what my dad's old copies of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy that his mother gave him look like. He read The Hobbit to me when I was quite young — probably too young to understand it, really — and gave them to me to read when I was a bit older (though still a kid). I've always loved the cover

Is liking Edward Gorey considered a hipster thing now? I love Gorey...

I should have known it was too good to be true. But I wrote this comment at 2 am and my critical thinking skills were probably not in great shape.


They're adorable. My friend has a miniature donkey and she's a total brat, but she's just so damn cute.

Yeah, I'm game to at least try it.

Do people not know that Whitney Houston's version is a cover? It's really annoying me that upon hearing it sung by a random woman people automatically say she's singing Whitney Houston.

Yeah, the way they aged Lilo up from a little girl and made Stitch huge is incredibly creepy.

Or was it that she wouldn't stop singing Dolly Parton?


I've known women in their 20s that thought they peed out their vagina. Like, I don't think they knew they had a urethra. They thought there were only two holes "down there." I was so baffled. Just... how do you not know something that basic about your own body?

"Hotdog down a hallway" might be my least favorite phrase ever.

There's a restaurant in my area with a big sign out front that says, "Itchin' for Crabs?" I laugh every time I drive past it.

I need so many hugs right now.

I actually found that I couldn't watch the new episode that was on last night. I didn't even turn it on, this was just too real and in my mind.

The Beatles singer introduced one of the insects to the crowd as Harold.

To actually make some sort of constructive contribution to the conversation/latch on to your comment up at the top because I am a leech taking advantage of the fact that my friend is an approved commenter...