And he'll learn it earlier, too!
...Is "jahoobies" a thing people say, or did you just make that up? Because now I'm sitting at my computer giggling about that.
The celery gif is him as the Fifth Doctor, but the first one is from the show All Creatures Great and Small, which I knew him from before I ever watched a single episode of Doctor Who.
My thoughts exactly!
A (non-teenage) friend of mine texts while driving all the time, and it always freaks me out when I'm in the car with her. I also hate when I'm having a conversation with her through texting, and she'll mention that she's on her way to somewhere. NO, STOP, WHATEVER STUPID THING WE'RE TALKING ABOUT IS NOT WORTH THE…
She tends to have a problem with her weight no matter what it is, really.
Well, there isn't really a specific point where you can draw a line. Language isn't that concrete; it's constantly evolving and the circumstances may be different for some words than others.
Much as I love pedantry, borrowed words become a part of the language doing the borrowing and are then sometimes used differently than they were in their original language.
...I actually didn't know that. I'm a bad Jew.
Never apologize for pedantry!
How the hell is that show still going? Are they just going to replace him with another kid? WHY WON'T IT DIE?