
It's also Iggy Pop's birthday.

Hey, how about we talk about people as people, who are all individuals that want and need different things from relationships, and have many different kinds of relationships that function in different ways?

Well, I certainly think it does. The majority of my celebrity crushes are either dead or old now.

Does a crush on someone that died 26 years ago count? :\

Well, at least I can contribute to my friends' happiness because they all know they're having more sex than me.

It's at least slightly heartening to see the several hundred comments calling it out as hate speech (and wondering why the hell facebook put it in their feed).

Fuck the fact that this showed up on my, and many other people's, facebook feeds as a "suggested post." And I mean, just fuck the fact that a person posted it in the first place.

I hate when people try to justify their bigotry by saying it's just a "difference of opinion." Alrighty, but your opinion makes you a bigoted asshole because your opinion is blatantly discriminatory.

Yeah. I always think it's just the most awful thing when people say they'd divorce their spouses if they gained weight.

That will do very nicely, thank you.

I go to Maryland. I'm glad the school is so big that I'll probably (hopefully) never have an encounter with this girl.


I'm glad my outrageously large collection of pictures from Doctor Who and of Doctor Who actors came to some good use.

I'm not sure if you're saying you like me or not, because I can be a bit of a Doctor Who snob but I do love New Who and it brought me to the show.

Someone get me a good *headdesk* gif.

Holy fucking shit that Samantha Brick article. Holy shit.

I guess I have a different perspective because I came to Doctor Who as an adult and actually started with New Who — Nine was my first Doctor. I started watching Classic Who pretty quickly (my second Doctor was Four) and fell completely in love with it to the point of somewhat disturbing obsession, but I also love New

Doctor Who snobs unite!

Tom Baker is beautiful.

I heartily approve of this decision.