
Nice recovery.

You have many good points, but you do a disservice to 14d when you refer to it as “two whole number grades higher [than 12d].” It’s really eight grades higher or the equivalent of going from a 5.2 to a 5.10a. The point being that, from a technical standpoint, it’s well within his comfort zone … at least when it comes

What intricacies would those be? Watching a pitcher strike out or weakly ground out 9 times out of 10? Instructing the third baseman to move in to cover the bunt when a runner is on first?

No, you’re a bad boy for breakin’ his heart.

This entire thread is terrible fucking Kinja.

Wow. Yeah, I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt on not realizing she was being assaulted, but being twenty and supporting someone with a “pussy grabbing” quote attributed to them? If that’s true, she’s just a fucking moron with her head buried in her ass.

Oh this is just stupid. Why not send an email every time the teacher is a male? Or the daycare worker? Or the Gymboree worker?

This reasonable response needs more stars. Too bad we live in an increasingly unreasonable society.

I think the same thing about women announcers in MLB and the NBA! Clearly they’re just there to molest everyone in sight (in addition to calling a shitty game)! Also, Michelle Wie? Clearly just wanted to molest everyone on the PGA tour! Stay in your own gender-defined sports ladies!

Jesus Christ, you son of a bitch

What are you talking about? The playoffs are right around the corner.

Meet me in the middle of the street? Bring your family too! Oh, am I running late? Lie down and take a nap!

I came for the jokes and left disappointed.

There are a Brazilion thongs wrong with this.

You dropped that right on the 1 didn’t you? And the 2.

Needs either an Executive Summary or to be turned into a major motion picture.



Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad about it.

Yeah, it blew up his old legacy and then erected a giant new one in its place!