
Mercifully, no.

Damn your inconvenient facts. Damn them to hell!



Or two

Let me first say that this is not snark. This is coming from me being a nine year old at the time. How was the Gulf War a shit show from your perspective?

Just put your head down and keep trying

Man, I legitimately can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or stupid. I guess the answer is “yes”.

Where’s the suit, Ray? WHERE’S THE SUIT?

Hey Ted! Welcome to Deadspin! Enjoy your stay!

If you and the 2nd Amendment people would just hurry up and take care of the issue …


Bo Jackson: “I’d tell them, ‘Play baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, just anything but football.’”

Sadly, Dupree never did figure out how Polamalu got that Head & Shoulders gig …

Only -357 days away!

That’s your browser’s spellcheck …

It’s not like you were calling to complain about how Taco Bell messed up your order; if someone could get seriously hurt because of their, or someone else’s actions, it’s always 911. 

Here, have a star

I’m not crying, your face is crying …

The Internet ran out of space.