
I guess we'll see if she unfriends you again after you posted her real name to the trollz of the internet.

a NSFW tag would be good ...

So Gizmodo has 752 posts since it's inception. Good to know.

Oh yeah well Reddit gets all of its content from Gizmodo and 200% of it isn't ever sourced.

I'd star you so hard right now it'd hit the back of your teeth. If only I could ...

Your comment would be so much more interesting if two people hadn't made it already.

Nice job copying the other asshole below.

Is this a new meme on Gizmodo? Seriously how many of you are there?


The funny part being that I'm more compelled to tell you to "shut up" for your comment than I am Gizmodo for their "story".

Jesus Christ US carriers would you get your fucking shit together already?

"I certainly don't have any data to back this up ..."

You only use locking biners at the anchors if you're cleaning the route. They're using quick draws correctly.

Now that's a whipper! Puts us lead climbers typical falls to shame!

Well I appreciate you asking but I'd recommend writing another Apple or non-tech related post and just winding up the banhammer in there; that's where the trolls breed.

My thought (and the article's) around 19 is that the player is somewhere between good and bad. If you're playing someone of comparable skill than your net will likely be better. As the game progresses and 19, 17, 16, and 15 close you'll need to start aiming for 20, 18 and the bull.

The heat map doesn't mention Cricket or x01 but I'm pretty sure that you could infer that (despite the fact you have to hit 15-20 and bull) aiming for 19 (because it's higher than 17) and potentially hitting 15, 16, or 17 isn't that bad of a strategy. i.e. you bring 4 out of the 7 into play and bring the third highest

If we're talking about Cricket (darts) then yes I do. Aiming for 19 makes since as it's close to 16, 17 and if you're a little wild 15. So that's four possibilities in a relatively close cluster.

That's nice that you rock at darts. Your reading comprehension could probably use some work:

You and 99% of the other commentors didn't appear to read far enough: