
Politics or economics.

No mention of BrowserChanger? :(

I'm going to create two more Pirate Bays and with the remaining one, wish for moar Internetz.

Kenneth Weiss should look his own damn product in the eyes before he starts criticizing others. Is the point of it to keep everyone out or to only let certain people in?

No one pays a salaried employee to sit in a chair for 40 hours a week; they pay them to deliver results.

And fuck Garfield too! That guy was a shitty cat and a shitty president!

That was some phenomenal commentary. Somebody should get those guys as color commentators for an NFL or MLB game.


and then he put a gun to her head?

except for when it causes people like the ones above to bitch about it.

that's not an excuse. :P ... no one's asking him these questions ... he's just volunteering too much inane isht.

Disorderly conduct, assault and battery on a police officer, and resisting arrest is not the triple crown Sam; didn't Dan teach you anything?

Yeesh being a star sounds like work. No thank you, i'll take the low hope applied to me. Thank you for not believing in me!

define "good use". if it's alcohol and hookers lets meetup and i'll buy the first round!

Well in that case let me advise you that it's better to be lucky than good.

How sad. Good luck.

Pulling a Paul Allen most likely: buy a bunch of shit and throw it at the wall. The problem, of course, being that you just bought shit and now it is on your wall.

No you just need to understand that there are:

May I suggest some Ritalin to calm you down?