i see what you did there.
i see what you did there.
are you suggesting a coat hanger? or is that some sort of grappling hook? either way, you sound kinky; we should hook up sometime.
If you had different genitalia I would marry you.
hi! you're either new here or retarded.
what makes your post funnier is that you appear to have the M and the F transposed.
she told me that we were exclusive ... should i be worried?
... and good at running your mouth about the lord Jebus. Also, be sure to have an autobiography about your life at roughly age 20.
It was daytime (no) or nighttime (yes) and Josh couldn't see who he was hitting without his sunglasses or eyeshadow; he just swung away and hoped for the best.
i've seen them trade bats with folks (i.e. the fan gets another BP(?) bat).
Jobs would have crucified who ever did this.
"I think (hope) there is a niche for a social network that is not a privacy disaster."
Rowe is more blue collar which Jobs is definitely not.
gizmodo's got those listed as theories: [gizmodo.com]
it isn't about LTE being new or old; it's the fact that 4G is not prevalent (i.e. widespread) among all carriers.
no, i see your argument, however, i choose not to lynch someone when i don't know the full story. you on the other hand seem to fire unfounded wrath in every which direction, including my own now.
I hear Terry Francona is available.
+100 pounds says you're right.
you do remember how 3G was not on the original iPhone, correct? Apple doesn't release until the technology is prevalent and mostly stable.
You have the power to change the sign! Stop being lazy :P
My point though: just go buy the damn phone so the quarterly numbers look better and new investors will drive up the price of the stock.