
I don't see how you think someone saying it theoretically gets 14.4 mbps or more RAM = less crashes is helpful but if it is let me also elaborate: the antennas are better, the processor is fasterer, the camera is sharpest, battery is bestest and i'm pretty sure it either gives or cures cancer.

What is this? Price is Right? I bid $1.

Maryland? I would have picked Florida for this story.

So, sell AAPL in 3.9 years. Got it!

Care to elaborate on your point Green Jello?

yes, this is how "average" works.

The argument certainly is dead on for me ... and I'm the average American male at 5'9" with roughly average hands/finger length.

i get your joke but i'm right handed and i usually hold my phone in my left hand. also, when i need to quickly swipe i use my left thumb.

You seem to forget that the book will outlive Jobs by many, many years. I know if I was his child I'd be more interested in reading his book much later in my life; perhaps when I had children of my own. This book is likely a gift to them.

We are apparently judge, jury and executioner with an extremely limited set of facts.

how hard is it to use Google? this is the first result: []

neat. i'm going to change one to "STOP F*CKING TEXTING YOU F*CKING F*CKS".

how noble of you!

promoting commenter/post ...

images? print resolution vs. web resolution?

perhaps the most arrogant thing we can do is tell someone else how to live their life.


humility doesn't appear to be free or inherent.

Ooooh RAW! Get on it Apple.

Does she bear any resemblance to an ass or a penis? :(