i love lamp.
i love lamp.
i don't have an answer for you but an intelligent question on Gizmodo certainly deserves to be seen.
Disclaimer: I do not work for an ISP nor do I have any financial interest in any ISP.
It looks like he climbed 20 ft up a ladder that was designed to be climbed.
So from this lengthy transcript I can now decipher that there were in fact three d-bags in the ring. Thanks for the clarification Joe.
it's like some weird professional boxer parallel universe where all the muscle goes to one's face and all the fat goes to one's midsection.
Two things:
we already do the first part in airports with smokers so why not extend it onto a plane with children? brilliant! :)
which is why it should be ok to beat parents who have small, unruly children.
you're not helping!
name the time and place and i'll bring a cannon.
lets tranq 'em too!
"I say we ban small, unruly children from flying unless they are placed in a secure kennel."
not you, just the kernel.
Check the Event Viewer.
i was going to say this as well but you beat me to it.