
thank you.

ah the old "counter his anecdotal evidence with your own"!

If a video can load in 10 seconds on 4G as opposed to 50 seconds on 3G, awesome. If I can backup my files in 5 minutes on USB 3 versus 30 minutes on USB 2, awesome.

no but when something is better than a previous incarnation it is desirable.

If it's ok with everyone I'm still going to hate Chris Kluwe.

good for you. please stay off of the 4G network when it arrives.

come to St. Louis; it blows ass here.

promoting comment ...

#trollpatrol ... see above comment and baconatorbreakfast's promotions/repeated spam/troll comments for isxkcdshittytoday dot com.

i don't see anyone thanking you for "a helpful reference" ...

and when they're done testing electronics they can test out the next version of the a-bomb on it.

Will she be covering the Twins? I sincerely hope not.

I canceled a couple months ago.

I'm now up to two things that make me feel feelings: The Colon-O-Meter and cutting myself!

... at which point Colon, in the throes of his monomania, tried the third-to-first pickoff feint.

Alyssa you have a great deal of power and yet you don't seem to be wielding it responsibly. To tear into this innocuous individual in front of millions of readers is pretty deplorable.

if ever there was a time for someone to reply with just "this", now is that time.

it's glued to his giant fucking balls.

wow this looks fun. where do i sign a waiver to do this? :)

Detractors: Like it's Gizmodo's fault that your party is crazy ...