
you're right, i should have waited for him to shoot himself first.

the irony of course being that the post contains three paragraphs worth of reasons why you shouldn't fire a gun in the air.

Ahh, yeah 300m of incline doesn't sound fun. I wonder how "taught" the rope felt underneath him and how wide it actually was.

i thought it was a 1000m? either way, let us not forget the wind.

100% correct.

damn you commenting system, let me promote the f***ing post!

man you would have hated the original 1:30 video then; the last 45 seconds you didn't see was him pistol-whipping his son repeatedly.

this is what i believe as well.

No, but I did read it in the third sentence ...


he's not the only one ... you bastard.

... found himself beset by 14 men last night.

oh i see, everything is based on your perception ... not actual reality (i.e. sales numbers or user base). we'll just ignore the millions of IE users, and the throngs of people that bought Wiis and Blackberrys because you think they're full of fail.

you might try a ":)" next time. it'd be sad if you lost your star over a misunderstanding of a comment.

I can tell, when you can tell, that I'm feeding the trolls. Excellent work!

technology wise, iOS/Android/Blackberry/WP7, Xbox/PS3/Wii, and IE/Firefox/Chrome come to mind. everything isn't black and white ...

Probably because they didn't know it wasn't going to perform well ... *blink, blink*

Now playing

thank god Manny Pacquiao has his singing career to fall back on.

I can tell when you're trolling for flame wars! Excellent work! :D

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