bitches be trippin' ... all over the curb, all over themselves ...
"Meanwhile, Forester says Gardner told him Giordano was her "gay friend.""
Good to see that Selig is cutting out unnecessary expenses.
Ha, suck it Jobs! Somebody doesn't want an iPhone!
Yes, clearly "too many touches." Love the immediate backtrack following the goal.
Jizz In My Pants is much better than this shit.
Thank god Bryce Harper is keeping track of the number of Jerkass Bryce Harper things he does ... although, I'm pretty sure we're past "twice" by now.
Too bad it wasn't a home run; he could have thrown the baby back.
The Internet disagrees with you: []
the word that i believe you're searching for is "spawning."
"Give that man a coat hanger."
That's why you get extra spicy ... then the shit just flows.
As someone who enjoys the occasional comma and period, your sentence leaves me feeling nauseous.
probably similar to this: []
no Scott, necessity is the mother of invention ... not boredom. i'm bored out of my f*cking skull right now and i'm not inventing squat right now.
it was either you or me and i'm glad it was you.
how is it that a story about pirates somehow manages to avoid planking?
I would hope that the ":P" would be an indicator that I'm joking. I actually agree with Jesus as opposed to Mat ... although I do understand where Mat is coming from.