
"Hot Wheels car"

after he made half a million bucks!

too soon?

she brought her Mac in because it had malware on it. she had whatever animal comes before Tiger ... i think it was Unicorn.

Get a new first name assclown and stop defaming mine!

you think this is a bad? i saw a Genius sell a woman a 39 upgrade to Tiger on the premise that it "makes everything faster".

no, i too think it's an interesting read. it is dangerous information in the hands of someone else though so i'm kind of split on this particular topic.


well at least the booty pillow will keep you safe from the booty tooty as well as the more horrifying booty pooty.


a fool and his money are soon parted. if not the atheists than someone else.

never forget.

so it does strike twice!

no, he showers there. there's a separate room for the pooping.

i thought we were done talking. i'm done. feel free to leave me more messages though; i won't be reading them.

you don't seem to want to agree with anyone on anything. i don't see how that's my fault. good day to you too.

it sounds like we'll just have to agree to disagree. or is that also something you're not willing to agree on?

as an officer, with a taser, if you see someone acting erratically and refusing orders/resisting arrest the last thing you would want to do is try to put your hands on them.

tone it down means present your argument with less vitriol. case in point: i'm not sure which statement you still think is "fallacious". i just said i was being sarcastic but you seem to continue to want to blow everything out of proportion.

yeah that makes sense but "swinging it like an idiot" is open to interpretation and " 8" " is a concrete fact.