looks too much like a MkV jetta to me, sure its a solid car though.
looks too much like a MkV jetta to me, sure its a solid car though.
um you do know that besides the TT and A3 Audis dont really share as much as you would think platform wise with VW. Actually lambo's and bentleys share more in common with Audis then audis do with VWs
how can you guys tell?
The A3 platform is fine for this engine i own a 2.0T and love the car its allot of fun for a FWD.
its pretty small but it only pushes 11 PSI stock with a aftermarket chip it will pull 19 PSI which it can fully handle and you are now looking at about 250 HP on 93 with 300 FPT
depends on how big the turbo is my turbo on my A3 kicks in a much lower RPM because its smaller. Something like 1700 to 2k it makes it very very drivable imo.
I also own an APR stage 1 tune on my A3 love it as well. If your DSG is a bit sloppy consider getting it flashed by HPA they make a great map for the DSG makes it much much better.
its a pre production car. I am sure it will sound fine once it is done.
it doesn't really share that much from the 2.5 in the golf. The block might be the same but everything else is different. (fuel system, cams, head, pistons etc...) Quattro usually do this. See the 4.2 V8 in the RS4/5
not true they will work on any VAG car if money and time are no problems, they do make custom tunes.
The A5 platform (which this car is based off) isn't that bad for a FWD car my A3 is based off it and i love my car.
very nice & clean B5 a4/s4 there!
i think that is because he is British imagine if he was French or German? you would want to kick his teeth in i think haha.
I find that this rule seems to apply to every American when i come from the far north. I was surprised by the lack of signals in Michigan and New York. That might just be those states but up here in Toronto even the really bad drivers seem to signal at least half the time...
"Hurry up, Tommy, before zee Germans get here."
If i just used youtube as a reference i would say Russia or India.
I love the fact that these "good ole boys" are taking pot shots at the Z4 yet they are driving in a Toyota pickup yeah real American there boys..
it may have similar power to the GT but I wouldn't put my money on the GT vs the M3 on a track.
I think people would put up more of a fight if crims wanted your finger tips instead of your car keys so in principal it would be safer.
hey! i take offense to that! But I guess i don't really drive an Audi since i own an A3 which is just a GTI in sheeps clothing...