Detroit Velvet Smooth

In Toronto there are like small stretches of the QEW and the 401 that actually have HOV lanes, never seen anyone pulled over on them though. Its not like the Gardiner has more space for an HOV lane the fucker is going to fall down before that happens.

in that traffic you are not getting away even if you have a veryon...

To be honest you are most likely right, but i think she really didn't see the cop.

yeah it does hurt (a3 driver) But I never do things like this because there isn't really many carpool lanes in Toronto anyways.

i think they both suck nowadays and think you should watch Lemans or WRC

you don't have to use it if you don't want to.. #hatersgoingtohate

#4 also happens to me everyday on my way home from work. It pisses me off so much cause i spend as much time getting 3 blocks on front st to get to the Gardiner (Toronto) then it does for me to travel 25km on the highway in rushhour traffic.

i guess sometimes you have be break a few eggs to make an omelet

this happens to me everyday when i merge onto the Gardiner highway (toronto) since 3 lanes have to merge into 1, most people just butt infront even though they are breaking a solid line to do so.

brain lying to your eyes i think?...

gradient screen of death!

yeah its shit, got the chrome beta browser on day one of having the phone.

so its the best router ever but the range isn't good enough for a house... hmmm

I have been using the HTC OneX for a few weeks now and i don't mind sense 4.0. Somethings i do miss from the stock ICS i had with my nexus S but overall i don't mind it compared to touchwiz and others.

you don't have to be a redneck to enjoy guns but it does help.

a .22? come on now where is the M14 7.62×51mm NATO? ;)

or he found out about bath salts.

the other versions have the gun at least. The phantom had it added afterward did it not?

and what about the people still using the 3G iPhone? they are just as screwed, take off the Microsoft hater hat for a second. Sam is right you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet

The build quality is still shit, had one as a rental wasn't impressed reminded me of my brother's old 300. To be honest if the Germans couldn't sort out the penstar, not putting that much faith in the Italians.