Detroit Velvet Smooth

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Seriously...Kim...dude... eat a Snickers.

What? No Gawker prerequisite “OMG scary firearm is very frightening” headline?

Welcome to the wold of cost-plus contracts and political patronage. Lockheed’s LCS variant could spontaneously combust at the Washington Navy Yard and the DOD would order ten more.

Turkey and Saudi governments presumably are rooting for ISIS.

It would make more sense to say he’d restructure our tax code so that Apple couldn’t hoard $35 billion overseas.

This will be a great comment when civilians fire on other civilians with F/A-18s.

I don't always pick sides but when I do, I cheer for... ISIS state sponsor?

Now imagine it happen on a constant basis in Greek airspace that Turkey violates whenever it feels like?

Or people could stop getting their panties in a twist, grow up, and stop taking offense where none was intended. FFS

They clearly aren’t dropping strings of iron bombs on population centers.

I’d really hate if Assad is ousted. He may be a prime asshole to his people but hardly bothered the West.

Calgary Tower, Calgary, AB

Toronto’s CN Tower also displayed France’s colors last night.

I’d like to see this as to just how damn good the 360 was. Sure, it wasn’t built as well as the other systems, but damn was it vastly more capable. Easier to work with and play on than the PS3, vastly more powerful and less gimmicky than the Wii (and the Wii U, for the matter)... Fuck it, I’m saying it: the 360 was

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

There are some extraordinarily fascinating thoughts about this. If you notice the Star Wars universe has no news media. In fact no one seems to read or write anything. Many have speculated that the inhabitants are mostly functionally illiterate. Clearly some form of writing exists and they do record things with

Is it me or is that Hind firing the rockets at way too high of an AoA? It looks almost like he was aiming for the other one ahead of him...

No, this is the George Mueller I acknowledge.