came here for this and wasn’t disappointed
came here for this and wasn’t disappointed
except Sony is doing the same thing with NEO lololol
Both the P$4.5 and the Xbox whatever will still be slower than current GPUs and can’t touch a GTX 1080. Colour me surpised...
wasn’t unconformable at all but this is gawker so....
If that was bigotry i loved it. Made for great humour. People take way too much shit seriously these days. Especially on the Gawker platform.
and GM still can’t make a proper interior... what a mess
Man Lockheed Martin seems to fuck up allot of their contracts these days. First the F-35s and now these ships
I find myself backing the Russsians. Maybe its cause Turkey is backing ISIS and their leader has quoted Hitler
I am so happy Canada is pulling the plug on this Turkey
Sure you had no problem with the Falaise Pocket thought right?…
Why not just build a modern Monitor Warship?…
Guess i am in the minority in the comment section here. I loved GTA IV but i really liked V for the story as well. Thought Trevor was a great “GTA” Character. Michael/Franklin were ok.
In Toronto it is 0.07. If you are under 30 its 0.05
Pour one out for Königsberg
This should have been Doug’s next car...
Nice Jaaaaaaagggggg
Someone needs to do a W16 from the Veyron swapped Miata.
How has no one mention this one?
Played a ton last night only had one crash and one clipping issue was pretty surprised how stable it was for an alpha