
I feel like this is the most Basic cause I have ever read about. It's like if TOMs went out, ordered a soy latte, looked at it's yoga pants and thought "these aren't helping anyone and I can't tweet about it."

I actually get what you're saying and (I think) agree with it.

Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy

Yeah I kind of think it is bullshit too. This nurse was (unknowingly) putting herself at risk of catching Ebola by doing her job, using what she was told were proper protocols for minimizing risk of an infection that everyone says is difficult to catch. I don't think we need to vilify her; I think she deserves

Ebola only lives for a few hours on external surfaces like counters and fabrics. Essentially, when it dries, it dies. Sweat is also (one of) the least hot of bodily fluids, in regards to Ebola. A milliliter of blood might have a million active virus particles, but sweat often has NO active virus particles whatsoever

I totally agree with everything you just said (and am royally irritated with Jez for this type of writing).

Holy crap, why can I not star this more than once. I totally agree with you, and am really disappointed with Jessica for the tone she's taking with writing about Ms. Vinson.

Thanks. I fully agree with you.

I am also very uncomfortable with how Jessica Coen is writing about this nurse. How does she know that the nurse was just thinking about her special day? I traveled to plan my wedding because it allowed me to see my fiance too since we were living apart and we were getting married were he lived. She was told it was ok

You missed my point. The CDC is telling her "you're fine to fly!" and they're supposed to be the experts on stuff like this. I wasn't saying she should have flown, I was saying I could see how she second guessed her own judgment and did what the CDC told her was ok to do. Also, she was already in Cleveland when it was

Look, I get your complete disdain for the wedding industrial complex. I also think it makes people very stupid. However, your scapegoating of an individual like she's some sort of Typhoid Mary is really getting disturbing. If she had flown to Ohio for, let's say, a funeral of her beloved father, would you be as

This is all a bit ridiculous.

I'm not a doctor, but...couldn't they just wait a few days and return to business as usual? The virus can't live outside the body more than a few hours on a dry surface (per the CDC).

Just think of every person who using their phone while driving, has a glass of wine or beer and drives, doesn't get enough sleep and drives, reaches back to give something to their kid, reaches down to pick something up off of the floor and drives.

I definitely think that the best course of action would have been for her not to get on that plane. But, I can absolutely see a situation where the freaking CDC is telling you that you're fine to travel and you start to second guess your own judgment. Vinson may be a nurse, but that doesn't make her an expert on

OK. She should not have flown, this was a failure on the part of the CDC in a humiliating and frightening fashion. Hindsight 20/20 and all that. But some of this is just blatantly contradicting the facts.

You are so thirsty for attention and a fight. Move the eff on.

We have the same two hobbies, except I use the labels on beer bottles instead of bar coasters! Advice columns are the shit, and Ask Polly is one of the best! (Ask A Queer Chick from the Hairpin is also really great.)

More like MISPANDRY.

Also why don't the male pandas get A/C and extra buns?