
This is why, whenever my wife snuggles up to me and tells me she feels safe in my arms, I like to remind her that, statistically speaking, I'm the most dangerous thing in her life.

I tutor high school students, and my favorite student once said that to me. I told her point blank that these weren't going to be the best days of her life at all. For some of her peers, that's definitely true, but she's more adventurous and ambitious than most of them. She's funny, bright, well-spoken, and driven.

Yes I love how as woman we put up with just as much shit and "at the end of the day" we have to also worry about BEING hit if we happen to bother a man! POOR MEN.

To quote President Bartlett: "What is the virtue of a proportional response?"

I don't know. I just hate the whole you can't provoke them or they'll beat the crap out of you and it will be all your fault. Like he's a child with no control of himself at all.

My good news: I got biopsy results back on Thursday that confirm I do NOT have skin cancer!

Did, I mention that I'm in remission!? :D

I consider myself a somewhat lucky person, but my 19th birthday was, seriously, the luckiest day of my life.

After moving out on my own, I obviously has to keep my finances tight. So for years, I had no health insurance. I did fine, going to urgent care when I had an infection or something I couldn't fix with over the counter stuff. Last fall, I finally got health insurance through my school. It was a great deal, and heavily

Oh and I also once won 8 bottles of whisky and a ham at a raffle at a fair with a ticket that my 2 BFFs and I had bought for a fiver. We were 19. Great times!

My husband and I have been together since I was 16, we got married when I was 21 and stopped using birth control immediately. Fast forward 8 years still no kids of our own. Fertility test show due to my PCOS causing cysts in my fallopian tubes rather then on the ovaries the chance of us ever conceiving without extreme

The combination of relief and "you fucking stupid cat!" after that adrenaline rush was amazing. We didn't stop shaking for like an hour, but we laughed for much longer.

When I came up with the name The Blonde Vegan I was a full-fledged vegan girl who was still in college and had just discovered plant-based eating and was totally enamored by it.

Eating disorders aren't necessarily things you "overcome" - a (very) rough analogy is to something like alcoholism. You may stop drinking, but for a severe alcoholic the issue is always there and something you always cope with.

When I was a kid I went to several birthday parties at McDonald's. While hosting weddings and such for adults may be a little weird (but to each one's own), but to me that seems to be a natural extension of kids' parties.

You guys! I just got engaged! He proposed in the noodles aisle of the grocery store, everyone was confused as to why we were so excited/happy/kissing. There was no kneeling (thank God!), only happy questions and smiling. Last night he asked my parents if they were cool with him proposing and I guess he had been

When I was a toddler, my dad's police-trained GSD was my constant companion, and best friend. All the way into my elementary-school years, he was like the big brother I didn't have.

She's so cute! I love dogs with eyebrows. Here is my new puppy. I think he is about 6 weeks old.

My dog is nine months old as of yesterday! Here's a photo of her putting her head on the seat in the car (I was parked, don't worry). She's only started doing it recently and it's super cute.

In-N-Out forever. Except too bad their fries are literally the saddest fries in existence. But you cannot beat their burgers. A truly dedicated person would get an In-N-Out burger, McDonald's fries, and a Wendy's chocolate Frosty for the ultimate fast food triumvirate.