
And now I have a new thing to scream at my husband. THANKS PIGLET!

Jub Jub! I could say that name over and over and over and never get tired of it. His eyes kill me! I have no idea what our guy is made of, but I strongly suspect Cocker Spaniel, English Setter, possibly Tibetan Spaniel or another small breed (he's 25 lbs.). This is Clouseau:

Black mutts with white chins and that little patch of white on the chest and who are part-spaniel unite!!!!


I remember when a bunch of jez commenters split into TEAM THIGHLIGHTS and OH NO, OBJECTIFYING THE MENZ! during the last World Cup. Although I stood on the sidelines, I was really quite willing to carry the banner for TEAM THIGHLIGHTS. File this in bad feminist confessions.

In 2008, my then-boyfriend-now-husband and I are in our mid-twenties, experienced, but not regular smokers, and we go to a show with a pot-loving buddy who generously brings excellent weed brownies to share. Before the show begins, he eats an entire brownie and my husband and I split one. We wait. Twenty minutes

We bathed our spaniel mix for the first time last weekend (adopted a little over a month ago). If you can't tell, he's eye-screaming, "WHYYYYYY?"

That sounds AMAZING. I am trying to get my salad game back in gear and I am now reminded (how could I forget?!) about how awesome it is to pound a big crunchy, texturally-interesting salad covered in CRUMBLED CHEESE. UGh. So good. I made pasta - albeit, healthy-ish pasta - with greek yogurt, caramelized onions, and a

Sorry to hear you're going through trouble. I can totally relate on the "leaving school for reasons in my control" front - it sucks and I remember feeling so bad and weird when all of my friends went back to school and I was living with my parents and working at crappy retail job.

My husband and I do...animal names. He is "Otter" and I am "Panda". Early in our relationship I observed that the combination of his beard and a really great surly face somehow colluded to make him super otter-y. Also, I'm asian, and adopted, so there's some joke there about how much of a cliche it is that I would

You + my 30 year-old husband = kindred LO-CARB MONSTER-FUELED SPIRITS.

TJ employee here: we usually have brief daily meetings where employees sample new (or really, just favorite) products and you might be interested to know that we sometimes have PMS-themed huddles. The last time this happened, we had a combination of sea salt brownies, cookie butter, baked cheese curls, spinach and

NJ reprezant up in herrreeeee! hey fellow crew!!

COOKIE BUTTER!!! I work at TJ and RESISTED buying the cookie butter for the past few months because it is TOO DAMN GOOD. We usually have a few open jars floating around in the back so I was getting my fix, but I finally brought some home two days ago and my husband, upon first taste, said very quietly, "I'm going to

Polar Bear Cheese Fries (pajama pants covered in polar bears rawwr)

Just want to throw a huge laugh-out-motherfucking-loud at this comment.

I submit: Martyr-Parent-Redux: the Superstorm Sandy Edition.

There is a gift basket shop nearby that stocks a bunch of decent beer and wines. They sell Strongbow in 4-packs of 16.9 oz cans for 9.99.

I LOVE those chewy, dumpy cookies. Mmmmmmm. They taste so ambiguous - sugary and...? syupy...and..?

So, damn, tasty. I've tried all of the "nice" granola bars, but I keep going back to the Fiber One chocolate chip. They taste vaguely syrupy but they hit the spot every time.