“Too heavy to be FWD”
“Too heavy to be FWD”
It’s the equivalent of going to Christmas mass at a church where Himmler, Goring, and Goebbels are buried in the graveyard and a headstone that says “died defending Germany”. Worse since their spirits are also deified when enshrined.
a black woman.
Were any of them named Frederick Wertham? Because I gotta tell ya, the track record of psychologists on this is pretty shitty.
This was a lot of words to say that you want clicks for being contrary.
If you don’t like a film genre, let me give you some advice, watch something else.
Wait till he finds out that the guy fucked his mom too.
Coupes have two doors, thank you
You’re mistake for thinking this was a culture.
You might want to start with the 10,000+ drivers who kill people each year while drunk.
People from Connecticut are correctly called Nutmeggers. Or Connecticut Yankees if you’re feeling old-fashioned. Connecticuter is not a thing to anyone here.
And squats. Don’t forget he went to Howard for a few semesters so he knows black people. Like about three or four of them.
And unions. Don’ forget the unions.
I like the Greek sea shanties.
I'm very sorry your mom dropped you on your head all those times.
Yuck. :/
I want to nominate “gaming community at large acts like assholes over representation of women in games” particularly regarding Battlefield V
and this:
Jezebel has some cheek writing this contrite post after being one of the absolute worst offenders in fuelling the BPD hate train and rumour mongering some disgusting shit about Pete Davidson.