Panama Punk

I'm waiting for the alicization arcs, hopefully those will be well animated.

I'm assuming Nintendo released the embargo two weeks early to build hype since they knew the game would review well.

When I heard about Dragon Coins, that's exactly how I reacted. Too bad the game constantly crashes. Sega knows too much about us.

Hearthstone is a blast to play. It actually got me to start playing Yugioh again, and since Millenium Duels just came out on PS3, I thought I'd start there. I definitely notice the time difference compared to Hearthstone matches. I typical yugioh duel can take me 20 minutes against the CPU, longer if the CPU is

Seems that people don't really care about quality, rather just watching something once on some streaming service. I would rather watch movies, TV Shows, and anime in blu-ray quality than on a streaming service. And I don't really like encodes that Amazon or Flixster offers up for downloads.

Free game with MK8? Seems like an awesome deal to me. Too bad I already own all those game except Wii Party U.

Have you ever found yourself incredibly attracted to a person — going out of your way to get to know them, making excuses to be near them, that sort of thing — only to discover once you are with them they're really just kind of empty inside? Maybe a little dumb? Completely unable to maintain a conversation?

I hate playing games that reference many other games, same goes for tv shows. So if I ever did decide to play TFFCC, I'd would have to play all the Final Fantasy games first(except 13).

Good to know, thanks!

Did you happen to read the manga before/after watching the anime? I'm curious if they made any subtle or drastic changes from it.

On android there is already a free clone called Threes, so now the game on the Google Play Store is called Threes!

Why is Putty Squad a thing? Do people like this game or something? It looks archaic.

I have a -8.00 and -8.50 with a slight astigmatism. You learn how to put them on quickly after a while. Then again I've been using them for seven years and I don't really flinch when putting things in my eyes.

They make contact lenses for some pretty serious prescriptions these days. The large majority of people who wear glasses could wear contact lenses.

I really want to see that Live Action Monster. It could be glorious, or a stinky pile of poo.

Whoa, that's really cheap but I already bought a PS4. If this had appeared a week ago, I may have been swayed to buy this instead.

The vanilla version of the PC Port is actually the worst. It requires DSfix just to be playable.

Hey now, I'm sure MGREXX knows that wizard council of console gaming will bestow game devs with magical powers to program directly from their mind. PC gaming devs unfortunately have to program their games like normal mortals :/

I'd rather just pay to watch it.

I watched the first three episodes but then my sis cancelled her HBO >.<