The writer of Sword Art Online wrote some of the side stories depicting the more "sexual" aspects of the main characters relationships. He did it under another pen name though. I'm pretty sure the Fairy Tail mangaka does erotic drawings too.
The writer of Sword Art Online wrote some of the side stories depicting the more "sexual" aspects of the main characters relationships. He did it under another pen name though. I'm pretty sure the Fairy Tail mangaka does erotic drawings too.
lol, what's next? a church that follows a flying spaghetti monster?
Can't wait for that PS4 "Tales of" game >.<
Yeah, I meant besides the currently existing technology. For the most part it just seems stupid to try and invent new technology to create a new type of mouse. If a new way for a mouse to track motion was available, it would probably be a derivative of already existing research.(not necessarily new technology, a new…
I never said it can't be done, its just that there's no reason for any engineer/company to develop one if they don't have the money to spare. I'm sure there's some sort of research that's has or is taking place that would suit what you have in mind.
Someone could invent a mouse that can track location relative to the flat surface the users moves it on, but that would probably be much more expensive that a laser mouse, if that technology wants to achieve similar accuracy(less error).
Nintendo has done a pretty good job at fighting piracy for the 3DS so far. Each firmware update messes up R4 cards and I don't think any emulator exits yet.
Yes, that is exactly it.
Not sure how limited your internet is, but having internet connection as a requirement to enjoy any service these days hasn't really been a bad thing for me. I use internet all the time and the games that require them to function are worthwhile when I play them.
I don't expect to play ALL my games indefinitely. Especially a FPS where sequels and more innovate versions are expected to come in the future. I buy games nowadays to receive worthwhile entertainment, not own a game. If $60 gets me 60 hours of enjoyable gameplay, I'm content.
What would be crazy is if they let you transfer one pokemon to X/Y once you catch all of them. Having every single pokemon is definitely awesome though.
Definitely buying this game when it comes out. Looks hella fun, and metallurgy is cool.
Its explained in the manga. And the scientists think the same way as you, mutilating captured Ajin in every possible way to see what happens
"Inside the Rockagong", damn that sounds hot and steamy.
Wait until you hit rank 16, it stops being as easy immediately.
Don't worry new players, molten/sea giant decks are waiting to crush you :/
Combat Cats is pretty fun too!
"Congratulations! I hope all the best for your future endeavors."
I felt the same way about Terraria and Minecraft. As for what I've seen from videos on Starbound so far, I like that the infinite planets allows for alot more exploration. I'll probably buy the game soon enough. Its still in beta, right?