
I am a substance use counselor at a detox and just for the record, if an opiate using pregnant woman comes in she CANNOT be allowed to detox as the risk of hemorrhage or fetal demise is so severe. The management of an opiate pregnancy is methadone not abstinence so this bill has more of a chance of leading pregnant

Thanks, Obama!

Casually mention your favorite Peanuts character was Peppermint Patty. She will then know you're "cool,"

If you want "thick" yogurt just strain it through a coffee filter or a cheese cloth. #chefhack

But it isn't a good enough reason really. Because you are justifying controlling the behaviour of boys/men by controlling the behaviour of women/girls. You make it implicit that men and boys are simply incapable of controlling actions and behaviours, so we must control women. I think it's problematic to teach

"When the plane landed, the minor promptly found a TSA official."

I was talking about this with my students the other day. I'm from the UK and while people in Britain can be just as materialistic and money-driven as anyone else, I had never encountered anything like the loathing of poverty driven by fear and paranoia before I came to America.

Maybe they didn't realize that a prepubescent child not presenting as "feminine" enough would be considered sexually immoral or in conflict with her "God-ordained identity"? I haven't read anything about this kid identifying as gay or trans or anything else particularly "un-traditional," their sole problem seems to be

the other day, I was on my way to campus when I saw a man on the median holding a sign that read "Independent Contractor Injured on Job-site and now Homeless. Anything helps."

This. I get so sick of being told that harassment should be considered flattering and complimentary and if we're not interested why not just say so politely? Because we don't know when it's going to escalate into physical violence. That's why.

Now playing

Oh man, any excuse to post the infamous Kirk Cameron banana video:

Well no, you see when Jesus was born he came with a list of things God cancelled from the old laws and it happened to cancel the convenient things like the cloth and the shrimp thing, but God highlighted all the gay parts so we need to super focus on that.

I think you have bigger problems than keeping a man if the one you have has no moral compass. Say being murdered in your sleep by your sociopath boyfriend

" everyone knows it's Butters ! "

It is constantly amazing to me the medical conspiracy theories that are prominent among even highly-educated people. There is SO much pseudoscience out there about GMOs, vaccines, nutrition, "toxins" and "detoxing" (ughhhhhhhh), or the general idea that there is some kind of mass conspiracy among doctors to keep

But they don't understaaaaaaaand it like I do. They probably had an easier time in high school and can date anybody they want to and don't even really "get" it, you know?

Well god bless America...

The problem with the "what's your excuse" tag line is that it pre-supposes that every one wants & values the same thing (or that they should want or value the same thing)- i.e. achieving their personal version of Fit Mom's body. It follows from that presumption that if one is not actively pursuing that goal, then one