Though he didn’t mention it in his speech, Rubio has supported three exceptions to making abortion illegal—in cases of rape, incest and if the mother’s life is at stake.
Though he didn’t mention it in his speech, Rubio has supported three exceptions to making abortion illegal—in cases of rape, incest and if the mother’s life is at stake.
I am not.
This makes me SO ANGRY. What with the the plugging in and the phone ringing and all this business. When you enter a theater, you are signing a social contract. That contract says you sit there and be quiet and in exchange you are entertained.
It’s really quite simple and clear - the names of the people on the invitation are the names of the people invited. So,
I though Satanists were made up things from films. Honestly. Not a real church.
But how many people identify as straight, but are actually questioning? Judging people this way *is* policing their sexuality, like you’re demanding they “prove” they’re “actually” gay or bi before they have a right to express that Ruby Rose gets them hot and bothered.
Oh man, engagement photo shoots are my favorite things ever.
Remission of Love
Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.
I’ll just place this here for everyone’s perusal.
Also, just WTF with this statement.She is actually saying that women should just work harder than men to be treated equally. DO MORE WORK TO BE TREATED THE SAME. I just. I just can’t.
I am the grumpiest cow in all the world when I'm setting finger waves. BUT THEY'RE SO WORTH IT! Still, don't come around the night before. There's a reason why "I'm washing/setting my hair" used to be a valid excuse.
WHYYYYY do dudes think women give a shit about their dicks????? I absolutely, 100% do not care about your dick, unless I'm about to do something with said dick, in which case you will know I care about your dick because I will be paying attention to and directly referencing your dick. Like in what world is that…
100 years! Living alone is amazing. If you deep-clean the place, no one is going to undo all your hard work and leave the sink full of dirty dishes mere minutes after you organized everything just the way you like it. If you leave a sink full of dirty dishes, no one is going to come at you all passive-aggressive like,…
Never, ever, EVER.