I worked at a company similar to both and the same shit happened to us too. (sigh) I concur with the feelings of sadness, not anger. It’s just such a bummer.
I worked at a company similar to both and the same shit happened to us too. (sigh) I concur with the feelings of sadness, not anger. It’s just such a bummer.
That's a common misconception, actually. So, with pin curls, the more you brush, the better they look. For the most part, you pincurl in order to give you the ability to sculpt the hair in ways you couldn't if you didn't have the base curl. When you take out the pincurls, they're tight little ringlets, usually a…
I'll tell you what... As someone who wears a vintage hairstyle, you do indeed spend a lot of time curling and brushing your hair. I never look this jolly, though.
This is my ideal. I will never live with anyone ever again. You can stay over frequently, sure, but you can't move in. Heh.
Yup. I like her too, but she doesn't really have much range. And, look, she's young, and working is the best training for an actor in a lot of ways, but she could use with a bit of studying and more formal training or at least a role that would really require her to do some real work rather than just being sort of…
I wish I could star this a hundred times.
In case anyone missed the follow-up...
Yeah, I'm that guy too. But, hopefully, it leads to people getting stoked for RSD, visiting their local indie store, and then frequenting that, rather than buying records at UO. This is me being hopeful.
All the stars for a Robert Vaughn gif.
Yeah, you know, the only time I've "regretted a drunken hookup" was when it turned from being a pleasant drunken hookup into me being sexually assaulted because I said no to sex without a condom. But, I guess I was already there and naked so that whole part where I actually said no to sex didn't count.
Yeah, I got tattoos because I like tattoos. Crazy.
It's no more an open wound than a standard ear piercing. The only thing different between a stretched lobe and a standard ear piercing is the size of the hole.
Cue everyone who hates tattoos coming in and commenting about how they're ugly and stupid and the decision to get tattoos is all about wanting to be "cool" or "different"...
I am wondering if very wealthy men assume money is the only thing women attractive?
And I will now never be able to look at Carolina Herrera without thinking this.
Also: Nude bras. Every nude bra I try to wear under white reads like I'm wearing a brown one.
I read your story with my mouth gaping open in horror.
And if he's so not into meeting people online, then he should go out and meet people IRL. You know, instead of whatever the hell this experiment was meant to be. Problem solved.