
Now listen, if you don't drink soda, do not chime in with "that's why I don't drink it" or "glad I don't drink it" because fuck you, okay? This is not about you. This is about us, the people who love soda."

Best line from a Jezebel article or Greatest line from a Jezebel article?

Didn't Deuce Bigalow preceed this show by a few years, at least?

Please tell them that as a DC resident, I bravely support their brave support of our local tourism economy. Perhaps they would like to bravely march over to the National Archives and bravely check out the newly acquired Magna Carta, bravely on display. Also, I bravely do not support them fucking up my commute to work.

If you meet up with someone from a dating site, you are going on a date. :headdesk:


Until she dresses in a Catwoman costume and crashes an audition, she hasn't hit rock bottom yet.

If you supported and understood feminism you'd no longer feel sad about the fact that society expects certain things from you, because you'd be helping to bring that unfair system down. You can start by supporting successful women and not blaming the movement which helps them for your own insecurities.

Men feeling "emasculated" and "obsolete" is the fault of patriarchy, not feminism. No one is going to cry a single tear for men who have teh sadz because they can't be manly men without feeling superior to their female spouses. This is what it comes down to. Patriarchy teaches you that "I earn more, I'm the manly head

The problem I have is that most high school seniors I knew that dated freshman liked them because they hadn't 'slutted it up' yet and liked all that fawning over that they got from the younger girls. In concept, I have no problem with it. In reality, I think seeing a freshman with a senior often reflects a very

I challenge your huge hip bones to a duel! She with the biggest bruise from hitting it on a door knob or counter top wins!

Um, she's not a troll, and your willful ignorance of how very elementary copyright and trademark protection works does not make her one.

Don't you know, your oppression will be easier if you just take it with a smile!

But by hiding, "they" win too. I get your point, and I think there is something to be said for closing all social media accounts, but at the end of the day this family is getting attacked because their daughter survived a rape and DARED to talk about it publicly. Things are never going to change if we treat that as

I like snarky comments as much as the next guy, but there are some implications here that are pretty disturbing about women and education and bodily autonomy, and I'm having a hard time taking this story lightly.

Sorry you know such awful men.

The comments at Gawker on this story were atrocious. This is a good chance for Jezebel to talk about victims of domestic abuse, not snark on a woman who is a victim of domestic abuse.


But the white lights will make my Tom Hiddleston ornament look so much better!!!

I can't exactly pinpoint why, but anytime a guy says, "Oh, I just prefer women with long hair," I get all ragey. I mean, I kind of know why, but it takes some teasing out. Because if a woman said, "Oh, I just prefer men clean-shaven," I'd think nothing of it. People are attracted to different things. And we're