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Reminds me, in some small way, of this classic clip. Every time I watch this I wonder what the guy in the small truck thought as a water fountain stopped his truck cold.

Oh...oh that’s beautiful. Very nicely done, sir/ma’am!

They are the exact reason Maher says he “fuckin hates liberals”...

Those nacelles have gotta be blowing the warp speed limit outta the water, right?

Between Undiscovered Country and TNG should be Yesterday’s Enterprise territory, right? NCC-1701C didn’t have a sharp edge on her...

Fk I love that character and I hope like hell she survives (in a plausible way) long enough to make it into a live action SW movie...

I know I’m a few days behind, but holy shit are you right.

Better question: why does Han Solo look like Bill Maher?

Is that even an honest rebuke anymore? “Kids come to this place/might see this”...I mean, really- what kids are you talking about? What kids, who are free-roaming the internet, are going to be affected by cussing in this day and age?

I swear, is it their first time on the internet? What do they think the internet is, a big bible study group? Mountains out of mole hills...

Holy shit that was interesting...where did you come from, random anonymous masked man/woman? I would like to read your blog/magazine/blurb/excerpt/fanzine!

Disagree on the 2 ep dead pool for Cersei. I think news of the invasion fleet is going to spread throughout Westeros and she might make a desperate deal/alliance with Euron. That kind of thing would take more than two eps to setup. I mean, she has to be more than a speed bump for Khaleesi, right? Orrrr maybe not?

I made the loose assumption that the fleet-wide shot is shown departing Dorne, not Meereen.

Dont forget, she is bringing 10's of thousands of soldiers and sailors to Westeros- they are going to need food and a supply chain. Highgarden has already been established as the ‘bread basket’ of Westeros, thus makes a keen ally for any invading force.

Well, that’s what *I* think Texas is like, and TX itself doesn’t do a whole heckuva lot to dissuade this steroetype, what with the intentional undereducation of the masses, stupid government leadership, etc etc...

Oh. Seems we are on the same side - I misunderstood your stance. I retract my earlier response to you and would instead like to sign up for your newsletter.

Assault weapons were specifically created *for the military* to kill as many people as fast as possible. There is no tangible difference between an AR15 and an M16, except the 3-round selector switch option *which most soldiers don’t even use*. Indoors, at short range, the difference between an assault rifle and a

Why? What do you have against Jeeps?

Or only just died...

Curious how Denver is nowhere on this diagram...very telling.