
Absolutely agree. My parents are pure mountainfolk bumpkins, and God love em’, I would never ever live in the town I grew up in. The town they live in now, and have for the past 60+ years. You could say I bucked the trend by living in more major cities than most ‘Merkins can name (fml, btw- moving sucks!)

You sound exactly like my grandmother, who, like you, also gets everything she knows about big cities from the movies.

He is the only writer on Gawker who is so interesting that I went back and read through the bulk of his historical posts. What a fantastic, detailed writer. Also still missing Mersereau a good bit. *sigh*

Wait...Tyler left? Plllleeeease tell me you are kidding.

Do. Not. Do. It. Kids will fucking ruin your life. All the tremendous amount of bullshit you hear about people liking parenting is crap. It’s terrible. I assume it gets better, but the first 3 years are a special form of hell. (I wouldn’t know, I’m still in them)

I would disagree- that seems like exactly the type of thing they would do one week then undo the next with a switched face. Did you notice that Arya’s hair was in a style that we really havent seen? And she didn’t seem to act like Arya...I dunno. I bet gutshot Arya falls down somewhere and that face comes off for

You dont *really* think that was Arya, do you? She has been in league with The Faceless Men for years now.. The Face. Less. Men.

Umm, did you just compare size to throughput as if they are apples to apples? In the common tongue, Gigabyte is size, Gigabit is a measure of throughput or network speed. A Gb is smaller than a GB just like a MPH is smaller than a Mile.

So, how much younger is the core of the sun as opposed to, say the photosphere? Millennia perhaps?

It *is* insignificant when it occurs over geologic time.

I can’t view this because OCONUS, but I just realized that not-a-scientist balding lab coat wearing guy was Archer. Fantastic. And now your post makes sense!

Depending where, could be quite lucrative to own land there!

You’ve been paying for the same physical processor cores in your computers for years and years - some unlocked to faster clock speeds than others - this is not uncommon.

10'1"? Ah coach, we can’t compete here...

So, all the pictures are awesome, because telescope/star porn - but you can’t actually see these lasers...right? Right?

Now playing

Incredibly common over here, and much fun has been had with this.

Tsunamis rarely pose a threat in blue water. Hurricanes are a different story...

Ummm yeah, I feel like I just read the complete Wikipedia plot section for this movie. Does Germaine actually know how to write a review? Oh wait, I bitched for 8 weeks about his FtWD reviews, I already know the answer.

Is $20MM supposed to be alot? :) I can’t tell if you are praising their good stewardship of taxpayer dollars or intending for the dollar amount to sound do know we are talking about DOD, right? 20M isn’t even budget dust.

Did it still have fuel in the bunker, HE rounds in the racks, and green powder bags sitting in the tubes for no reason, just like in the movie(s)?