
To a large extent, this doesn’t really matter in the present day. The vast, overwhelming, majority of people getting seriously ill, hospitalized, and dying of COVID are uncaccinated. Most of them weren’t following the rules anyway and can largely go fuck themselves for all the problems they have caused over the last

Joss Whedon is a talented writer, with a good grasp of theme and character and a particular talent for unconventional dialog. This has always been the case, and is the reason why he’s been at the head of so many seminal works of fiction over the years.

Yeah if you’re only going to write articles about flawless creators, you should really give up the profession. Either you had a subject to write about or you didn’t, but if you had to write half your piece on disavowing who it’s about rather than just hotlink to a previous piece, you didn’t have much to say to begin

No one needs the hair shirt and self-flagellation. Just admit he’s a talented guy, AND a social garbage fire, without pretending the movie is entertaining DESPITE his involvement. You know it wouldn’t have been as willing to take those big risks without him.

Most of the Sierra Nevada snowmelt drains to the west. Only a little goes east, and most of that goes into the Great Basin — essentially none of it ends up in the Colorado River and Lake Mead.

Gas stoves are great. I’ve been using one my entire life. If this was a problem, we’d hear about people getting sick from it. But we don’t, because it’s not actually a problem.

I honestly had no idea that gas stove emissions were this bad.

Have it. Love it.

Nothing. I’d just sit around until the golden parachute kicks in and then bail. For goodness sake, how many final last chances does Harley get? Just let them, and their whole poisonous cult, die.

What if I mix the SSB with alcohol? Surely this is a two wrongs make a right situation!

Agreed! You shouldn’t celebrate 15-18 year olds having children!

Southwest didn’t oppose doing the safety checks, they opposed the 12 month implementation timeline, they wanted 18 months to adjust their maintenance schedules to accommodate the new safety checks.

IIRC the 737-100 and 200 used old low-bypass noise and smoke generators that moonlighted as a propulsion system.

Be... sure.... to... drink... your... Ovaltine!

Am I the only one who heard Bob talk about needing to know BASIC to reboot the lab’s computer and security systems and immediately think “It’s a UNIX system... I know this!”

I’m not an expert on international law, but I don’t really know how much it matters if other countries sue a nation whose schtick for the last 200 years or so has been “We’ll do whatever we want, and if you don’t like it, we’ll bomb you.” Like, what are they going to do if the US doesn’t cooperate? Drag them to the

There was a very good Foxtrot Article on this. I suggest you read it. the Short part though is that most of the artillery is old. Of the literally thousands of pieces only... 700 are expected to reach Seoul. Something like 40 thousand people will die in the first day and 80 thousandths by the end of the week after

“His parents grudgingly signed the forms, and McSorley travelled just across the B.C. border to Blaine, Wash., to enlist in the U.S. army, which was accepting anyone who came through the door.”

My friends and I grew up under the same condition, but we didn’t start the fires.

I mean, it’s got to be nice to be privileged to work in an office that uses conveyances like Slack and Google Docs while the rest of true enterprise relies on traditional software packages to get our work done.