
Unless Woodley is short on cash and Jake offered him 7 figures under the table to eat the canvas in the 6th. 

I bought a brand new Winnebago in May, thinking I was buying a moderately good brand. I was wrong. Those fuckers aren’t even trying to service their terrible build quality rigs. I found mine 3 states away, thought I was lucky and went and grabbed it, and immediately shit starts breaking or is already broken. I call

Isn’t that just an F53 with a cab glued on?

Then you, like me, are mixing a known carcinogen with a now-we-are-pretty-sure-its-a-carcinogen...and smiling all the way.

C’mon. I *love* Terry Crews, but the man can’t act in a dramatic role. He knows how to mug at the camera, deliver a well timed comedic line, and flex like a mofo. Lets run a thought experiment...can you imagine him in any role in The Color Purple?

You absolutely did not miss anything. Just watched The Void with my wife on OP’s opinion...didn’t realize OP was trolling. The Void was almost comically terrible and boring.

I wonder why they don’t fight wars with knives or baseball bats then? Oh yeah, because you can’t kill nearly as many people nearly as efficiently with a knife or a baseball bat.

You need to have the laws in place for them to be considered an arrestable bad guy. Otherwise he is just another asshole on the street. You’d think this would be obvious, but anti-gun control seems to rank up there with religion in terms of lack of critical thinking..

They are the exact reason Maher says he “fuckin hates liberals”...

Oh. Seems we are on the same side - I misunderstood your stance. I retract my earlier response to you and would instead like to sign up for your newsletter.

Assault weapons were specifically created *for the military* to kill as many people as fast as possible. There is no tangible difference between an AR15 and an M16, except the 3-round selector switch option *which most soldiers don’t even use*. Indoors, at short range, the difference between an assault rifle and a

Do. Not. Do. It. Kids will fucking ruin your life. All the tremendous amount of bullshit you hear about people liking parenting is crap. It’s terrible. I assume it gets better, but the first 3 years are a special form of hell. (I wouldn’t know, I’m still in them)

You’ve been paying for the same physical processor cores in your computers for years and years - some unlocked to faster clock speeds than others - this is not uncommon.

Now playing

Incredibly common over here, and much fun has been had with this.

I have never seen Kinja used so goddamn responsibly. Fantastic job, Torch.

Are you being serious? Is that really the article that people pissed themselves over? This reminds me of the scene from The Family Stone where the new girlfriend is baffled why the mother would want gay children. It’s a very matter-of-fact opinion, but the whole family reacts like she just told them to go fuck

Well, it *is* pretty damn click bait-ey, when you consider that it really made want to click on the article...

Thank you for the thoughtful, detailed response! You’ve given me something to talk to the guys about. And no, I don’t work in the commissary. There is literally no way I could (or would want to) prove to you that I am who I say I am. I might start our conversation by asking you- have you read this synopsis of OPPLAN


Ok, I’m with you on the Afghanistan nonsense, but if you think China would risk a shutdown of trade with their largest trading partner for NK, you are not well schooled in basic economics. If anything, China would sit back and then politely request a 5-10-20 mile DMZ between Newly LIberated NK and the Chinese border