Perhaps, but every single possible entry point into a protected government system (not connected to the net) is completely unprotected by an internet kill switch.
Perhaps, but every single possible entry point into a protected government system (not connected to the net) is completely unprotected by an internet kill switch.
Completely irrelevant. Before you wrote legislation like this, wouldn't you first check with experts to see if there were any systems whose protection needed legislating? I've worked for the gov't for 10 years now and not a single mission-critical system I've ever encountered has ever had a connection to the net.
Wouldn't it be true, by definition, that those living through a singularity cannot recognize it as a singularity, and only future generations can presume that a singularity has happened because of the immense amount of (*insert field here*) innovation that has occurred? We assume one has happened because we cannot…
"The usual example given to illustrate an Outside Context Problem was imagining you were a tribe on a largish, fertile island; you'd tamed the land, invented the wheel or writing or whatever, the neighbours were cooperative or enslaved but at any rate peaceful and you were busy raising temples to yourself with all the…
@spacedinosaurblue: I agree with a few of your points. After the supposed Arsenic-based life form discovery there was nearly no public interest. Perhaps because 99.9% of the population have no idea just how huge that sort of discovery would be? I foresee a similar type of discovery being made by scientists- say,…
@Tadashii: The more expensive telescope mounts can auto-rotate to compensate for the Earth's spin.
@Craig Michael Ranapia: Same reason you have ocean-going, blue-water ships and shallow-draft, short range ships...different purposes. Although I dont know what the purposes might be, besides intra system travel, travel to moons...etc?
@ch3burashka: I love this thought. That sometime 640 years ago this star may have already blown up and all that lovely light is racing here just to say hi!
@01SNKOWNR: I kinda disagree, but I dig big cities and huge infrastructure. I am perfectly happy to leave the city in order to see greenery, etc...
@create_faster: Virgin = Lucky?
@SpammerOvTheGods: I had her for 4 years...who else?
@improprietary: I've been to the Dead Sea twice, and each time found it absolutely amazing how floaty I was! My assumption is that you would need alot of ballast in the bottom of your canoe in order for it to be effect is probably not much different than floating on regular water.
@Pegritz: I suspect we will all know something is up juuust a bit earlier, but by 27k hrs, the process will be complete and we won't care...
@AdrianGrabs: I say we fire Catholicism, hire a religion with some common sense, and then distribute condoms and condom evangelicals to all corners of Africa with the proceeds from the Vatican Yard Sale.
@Tom O'Daighre: Doesn't sound SO bad. Not to be all mad-scientisty, but I've often wondered what it would take to rid the planet of us and return it to being pretty...
@Tom O'Daighre: Doesn't sound SO bad. Not to be all mad-scientisty, but I've often wondered what it would take to rid the planet of us and return it to being pretty...
Frick. ing. awe. some.
@Kenro199x: Agreed. One of the few robot movies that leaves me depressed, yet satisfied every time. (In a good way)
Huh...I've had the beta for a month now and really like the new software lock/mute button config.