Does anyone know if the illustration with all the gold (and I'm assuming orbits of some kind?) has an official name? Something I can search to see if it has been poster-ized?
Does anyone know if the illustration with all the gold (and I'm assuming orbits of some kind?) has an official name? Something I can search to see if it has been poster-ized?
@Illundiel: Holy crap I had no idea there was a tidal wave subplot. Sheesh!
@NoelVeiga: Sorry for the ad-hom. I was annoyed (some might say 'vexed') by your "terrible, terrible art" comment because I thought it was superfluous, given that the whole point of XKCD is that it is intelligent discourse with a big heaping pile of bad artistry, (which kind of adds to the humor IMO).
Sucky. I was just at that beach late last year, and the natural stone formations that make up the 'beach' are amazing. When you walk down to the water you are walking on natural waves in the sandstone and little tidal pools all over the place. To the right of the picture above is a crater + crater lake that…
Orci and Kurtzman are the bane of my existence. Fookin hell, I so, SO wanted to love Transformers II and the new Star Trek, and I left both theaters severely annoyed and mildly disgusted. Star Trek has since grown on me now that I know what plot holes to ignore, but still...ugh.
@NoelVeiga: Really?
@Faren22: I was kinda thinking the same thing. I would say the BFG has become...iconic to say the least.
@PensoTroppo؟: I just paid attention to my standardized hand washing technique and as it turns out, this isn't an issue. I will however have to pay attention to the rain, etc. A small price to pay for something so friggin cool.
@Chernobyl: While I like and agree with the spirit of your comment, I find it amusingly ironic that a commenter named Chernobyl is glossing over the 'hard-to-store/dangerous-to-use' aspect of nuclear energy...
@icelight: That may not be the point though. I'd much rather have to design a spaceship with a broom closet sized MagnetRoom holding 10 kilos of antimatter in suspension than have to design, build, and put into space a moving nuclear reactor. I'd also rather be an astronaut on the antimatter ship.
@CParis: Hold on, you mean 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' ISN'T a show about a mindless MamaGrizzly wandering around the Alaskan landscape in search of brains?
@Straelbora: See, I always had it in my head as more lava tube-ey and more SW-TESB space-wormey...
@swenson: And science is only too happy to be proved wrong, whereas if this were a fundamental church-ism, we would all be smelling the bacony smell of cooking physicist-priests...
@BoxOfScraps: I think I know what you did there...and I think I like it.
@Smeagol92055: Agreed on all counts, although being eaten to death might be marginally preferable to raped to death? Hmmm, matter of opinion I suppose...
@86LX5.0: Both the original and the movie versions are among the greatest speeches ever written. That is all.
@hawkeye18: Bah, I reject your in-depth analysis for this simpler one: They had Rommel, we had Patton. They never had a chance. :)
@Greetings. I am Wu.: Kindof what I was thinking. Not really sure what the point is of saying anything negative about a photo that is filled with so much good...
@gods-n-clods: I watch this every Halloween with my wife whilst getting piss drunk. Such good times, and such a fun movie!