
Kudos to South Dakota for being 47% powered by hydro, and a big BOO to North Dakota for being 95% powered by coal. If only the bible had mentioned Thou shalt use nu-ku-lar electricity! (even better, any other natural form) (Not specifically a dig at ND, but the States as a whole...)

@Master_Soda: And would not be sold in China...

@Purple Dave: My comment is independent of the podcast. I don't care what the issues are, I am a selfish bastard and I want him to write down every amazing, genius word and phrase that pops into his amazing, genius mind so that I can then read them and stand in awe. And I want him to do it yesterday. ;-)

@Purple Dave: It terrifies me that this isn't even the last book in the series...I first read G0T when I was 20, and I'll probably be 40 by the time the book after ADwD comes out. *sigh* Then I'll be...who knows how old by the time the 7th book comes out, if he lives that long. I'm not mad at him or even annoyed. I

@Daftmouse: Boy I sure am glad I've already read the book.

This has a faint hint of The Thing prequel to me, in that (I think) we kindof already know the ending. In the first movies, I'm pretty sure these things were completely unheard of by ANYONE...soooo....if they were completely unheard of, no one can survive this movie to talk about them, yes? Might be a bit of an

Such a great book. Not sure how it will look in movie form, but seriously looking forward to it.


@BIRDSEY: As Paul Harvey would say "and here's the rest of the story..."

@Cjay79: Pete Postlethwaite.

@Hotscot: I'm not sure it would cheapen it. How cool would it be if the ending of the movie is one surviving character (who, of course, knows everything about the creature) overlooking the camp from a nearby hill and watching a helicopter land, kill your friends, and happily take away your arch-nemesis? Then it

@Scimarad: I was thinking the same thing. Problem is, if you bring THAT Sam Carter into the movie, you don't really have a plot (or a movie), because she will come up with a viable solution within 42-43 minutes, guaranteed or your money back.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: But when done correctly it can be a thoroughly enjoyable experience, to find out the 'hows' to what you already know.

@Nyzorus: I didn't think he was annoying, just Hollywood's version of 'this is how you treat a lawyer until he accepts the fact that he is really Peter Pan'...right?

@3in1Doctor: Having done 3 summers in Baghdad, and just completing my first summer in Seoul, I can safely say I would take the Baghdad summer over Seoul any time, except of course that Seoul is a much funner city to live in.

@superberg: I'm from the high country of Colorado and- having been to Chicago at xmas time- fully endorse this comment. I've only ever felt cold like that at one other spot on the planet, and that was the summit of a certain volcano in Africa...

@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Sure, if it snows more than 5 inches or so. Suth'roners shit themselves and, if in their cars, are magically attracted to the first stationary object they see if even half an inch falls. Unless you live in FL or HI, chances are you don't deal with any more heat than the vast majority of

@T-RO: Umm yes, and it's not that bad. Now come try 95-100 in Seoul in monsoon season, or even better, 110 in Kuwait City in July. Then I think you will truly understand the notion of dry heat not being that bad.

@Starwatcher: Having just read 3 PKD novels on my most recent circumnavigation of the globe, I feel freshly qualified to truly appreciate this comment.

@Jesse Astle: One of my most basic maxims is that for (nearly) any horror movie to work, the characters must take leave of all intelligence and common sense.