@maggeimerc: My thoughts exactly...should we start practicing prostrating just in case?
@maggeimerc: My thoughts exactly...should we start practicing prostrating just in case?
@Perhaps Not: I'd prefer a Catwoman/Harley Q. teamup. Some great comedic lines could gush forth, and the plotline could be something as simple as them wanting to murderdeathkill Bats. Harley for killing the Joker, and Catwoman just cuz.
@Arsnof: Agreed on all counts. And if there is ever a scene where the contents of his bat-belt are shown to the audience, please oh please let there be one small bit of kryptonite in a lead lined case...
@collex: He is a great comedic actor, and not a bad dramatic one, but he is not Batman.
@Xyberfaust: And you would be correct, it did have nothing to do with it- considering all of the highly successful action movies that came after Rambo III that employed the same bullet physics. Or, every action movie that came before it. Or, every action movie, ever.
@silver-bolt: Funny how old perceptions persist. I'd just always assumed that he still looked like Dutch underneath the governor suit. Oh well- he is still the man.
@Rasselas: The way Meredith described it, it totally brought to mind a hushed silence as some crier shouted "make way for the queen!" And Sigourney floats by, not even appearing to be walking just....drifting past, surveying her empire.
@RizzRustbolt: I don't freeze up, (ok well maybe a little)- I just don't have anything new or interesting to say to someone like that. Plus I know that being constantly interrupted must be incredibly annoying after a while.
@CodenameV: *sigh* I've been stuck in a different job in a different country for every single one of the comicons for the last 6 years. I never seem to be in the states in July, dammit!
Are those power lines covered with plant life going to the 109 building or vines? Seems to me a pure vine would have a hard time accomplishing roof to roof connections. Looks good in the picture, but I'm not sure it is very realistic.
@wild_world_girl: And to continue with the cliche's- We geeks are only sneered at post-high school because we have 6 figure jobs while the jocks are still working at the dairy farm just outside town and the cheerleaders are hatching out their 3rd anklebiter...
@ltdarkstar: So why make it if it is so high brow that you are unlikely to make a decent ROI?
@Incoherent: Could still be us. I wonder if SG1 just tested another naquadah-enhanced nuke on a planet laced with naquadah?
@Rav Gar: Just when I thought I'd had an original thought...
I really don't understand all the hate for M. Night. He started with one amazing movie, and has followed that with several movies that weren't as amazing, but still made decent stories in and of themselves. Unfortunately after T6S, he got the reputation for being able to create a soul-shattering plot twist, even…
@TheFirstBardo: Agreed on all counts. Becca, I think you will find TC&TC to be a very easy (and enjoyable!) read.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: I think you are right. Which then leads to the rampant jealousy I feel when I realize that my BBQ did not include the cast of one of my fav tv shows casually chillin in my back yard.
@jdmcd: To be fair, they also produce amazing beers to assist you with numbing the pain...