@Dorisaurus: No I didn't- I will check it out and see if my opinion changes. I have, however, seen JP2, 2nd Silence otL, Children of Men and the Forgotten. I dont know. I think she is gorgeous and a perfectly capable actress, but...
@Dorisaurus: No I didn't- I will check it out and see if my opinion changes. I have, however, seen JP2, 2nd Silence otL, Children of Men and the Forgotten. I dont know. I think she is gorgeous and a perfectly capable actress, but...
@krypterband: I don't think it would work with anyone older than 22ish...but thats just the vision I have in my mind of what she would look like. She needs to have youthful naivety in order to make the deal she makes...again- could just be me.
@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): The internet is the domain of the perpetually offended. I saw your meaning quite clearly and I thought the responses would be something like "well, the virus could jump species again" etc, etc.
@Andy Neil: I think if your argument were true, it would hold true for the comics version as well- and yet the fact that Bats has no superpowers hasn't stopped him from becoming perhaps the most respected and feared member of the JLA. Bats has no superpowers yet contributes mightily to whatever problem the JLA faces…
@briarnoir: How about WW and Bats in a Moonlighting/Bones style drama/adventure/romcom? I always liked their chemistry in the JLA animated series- although the will they/wont they would get old after a while (as it always does)
@MorelOrelHershiser: Understood- but even then it pales in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of gallons of gas that got burned by regular cars between my comment and yours...
@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): I dont think Godwin's applies when the subject matter actually has to do with something Hitler did or would have done...
@TerryinSt.Paul: Are we married to the same woman??
@Mark 2000: I don't think they paint the tank...hmmm
@electronic lemon: I don't like the NASA cutbacks either, but I think we can all agree that Constellation was stalled. If we agree on that, Obama didn't make any of the other decisions regarding the Space Shuttle...sooo...why all the vitriol?
@sans_fi: I don't care how tragic her crab sidekick is...heck I don't even care if he spends the whole movie floating in a delicious dish of melted butter and garlic- as long as he has a catchy theme song!
@92BuickLeSabre: If someone took up this 're-imagining-but-only-darker' craze and applied it to all the Disney movies, I would pay money to watch every single one of them.
@SpammerOvTheGods: Don't get me wrong- I like Julianne Moore. I've just never been massively impressed by her acting skills. Do you really think she has the chops to pull of the amazing range of emotions as dictated by the original material? From elation at being human and being with her man, to the soul-crushing…
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: The Graveyard Book. I just finished it yesterday, after being somehow unaware of its existence. Fun, light reading.
@drtimothyjames1: Buy an electric car. And I'll buy one- and then everyone on this blog/internet/world buys one. Electricity is not cleanly produced, but at least it doesn't use oil. There is far, far too much money in oil- but what consumers don't seem to understand is that WE are the ones giving them all of that…
@Ivriniel: However much I really love Billy S, (and that particular speech, to be sure) I'm not sure I agree. The Independence Day speech really reflected the desperation of the moment, and the inherent hope we all carry. The SCDS is a great one, filled with lines that people never knew they know...but I've never…
@Arken: I know you are but what is the Matrix?
@Charlie Jane Anders: Nothing- I would simply prefer that their generals maintain proper decorum when utilizing their Physics Merit Badges to fight a black hole!
@Goatse Fan Fiction: Right! Because all guns inherently make gun-clicky sounds whenever you touch, pickup, jangle, handle, or even look at them in any way whatsoever. Nevermind how crappy that would be for ambushes, etc...
@brett108: Are ALL blue whales 33 meters long? Maybe there is a backstory to this drawing- where the momma whale got K-Od by the big bad, and now we are setting up sympathy for her and the neverending hunt of the Leviathan through the rest of the movie because it ate her kid like super fresh sushi.