Waiting for Kris’s announcement.
What is Playboy in 2017?
Yup, he’s going to be doing hard time.
Hasn’t the free market already made a decision about Megyn Kelly?
The possibilities for white men to fail upward are endless. That’s why.
Because you know that assholes on twitter are Berniebros. Or do you just make that assumption about everybody that pisses you off?
Back in the olden days, we used to call something like this a circle jerk.
A church that holds that many people and doesn’t have a kitchen?I bet it has a big fucking safe.
Nine years? That awful show was on for NINE FUCKING YEARS?
His church is a shelter - a tax shelter.
Bieber couldn’t get someone to tie a real bow tie for him?
Cantwell never would have spoken to a person of color. In sending an attractive blonde, they got more out of Cantwell than they would have otherwise, because he was trying hard to impress her. And scare her. His followers gave him a ton of shit on his blog for “flirting” with her. They had plenty to say about the “Jew…
She’s not wrong. If we all stopped buying into the self-loathing and insecurity that the beauty industry sells us, we could cause the world economy to collapse. We spend $500 billion a year. Imagine if we stopped. Especially if we all stopped at once.
I see Ann Romney’s been replaced as the proprieter of the Let Them Eat Cake Bakery.
The old joke around NH goes, “rich, retired, or crazy.” There are a lot of retirees, especially retired military. NH is something of a tax shelter. We have a 5% interest and dividends tax, but no state income tax or sales tax.
The NH legislature is comprised of 400 House members and 24 Senators who earn $100 per year.
There is other work for them to do. When they say “in session” it means they’re voting on legislation. During the off year they do things like interim study, and constituent work. The theory is they have enough bills, they don’t need to be making that many more of them. It also keeps expenses down.
But...the free market???!!!