

I used to see a leathery old guy at Bonita Beach in Florida, who handed out cards (for some site that he had, or something like that) - to nubile young women. He wore a yellow speedo that became transparent in the water, which was visible when he returned to dry land.

A Republican committing election fraud? No surprise there.

Would you admit to it?

So the Mooch is leaving to spend less time with his family?

Republican family values on display.

Rancid Prepuce

Hillary has yet to write a memoir that isn’t completely sanitized and devoid of personality.

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He wasn’t a moderate. The myth of John McCain “maverick” was a media invention. He didn’t go to prison for being one of the Keating 5 - something that isn’t remembered in 2017.

Poor Megyn is getting Free Marketed.

One of the things that irritates me most about the whole “let’s put old people and homeless people in tiny houses” movement is the fact that they are completely inaccessible to persons with disabilities.

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Will the Godfather sacrifice Fredo to save his own ass?

I, for one, am glad to hear that Bannon was dressed as Napoleon in the portrait. That’s so much better than Bannon being naked as Napoleon in a portrait.

At least Daddy and Ivanka don’t lick each other’s genitals in public.

Why? If men find their uniform dumb, let them change it. Why must everything that begins with women turn into a discussion about men?

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That said - I shouldn’t have to be the only one who sees this:

Lets all take a moment to be grateful for the fact that he wasn’t wearing a Speedo.

Kid might as well be a Trump.

There’s some poetic justice at work here.

He was wasted. High as a kite.