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To be fair the glasses are to make him LOOK smarter. They do.

Not a one of them has ever told an amusing, goofy dad story. I have a ton of goofy stories about my dad. Of course I grew up with him. Trump’s kids don’t think of him as their dad, they think of him as their CEO.

I’ve never been, and you can’t make me go. I’d rather have dental surgery.

Think what it would do to his hair!

Poor lamb. Living in the gilded stratospheric bubble where her every action met with approval and applause didn’t prepare her for the real world.

He never had any. It was a myth invented by the media, along with his maverickyness. It was always bullshit - but the press loved him.

The dog?

Seersucker! Where’s my epi pen??

Whatever became of Dourtney?

A reporter friend who was there said that when she finished, you could have heard a pin drop.

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Texas State Rep. Senfronia Thompson gave her colleagues a history lesson in how bathrooms have been used as tools of discrimination.

If this little goat pellet had been born into a different family, he’d be lucky to be a waiter an Applebees.

The most egregious part of this whole piece is Billy Bush claiming to be a journalist.

Because the antidote to an unqualified celebrity in the White House is another unqualified celebrity?

She’s as sick as he is.

She certainly gives Nancy Reagan a run for her money in the “looking up adoringly at hubby” contest.

Late in 2014 I spent 2 months in the hospital after an accident. I had 8 broken ribs, 4 compression fractures of my mid vertebrae, and a crushed/split femur. After about a month, I wasn’t sleeping so well (fewer drugs) and I would watch tv. The fucking Big Bang Theory was on nearly 24 hours a day. The hospital

What can I say? I lead a charmed life.

Cry me a river.

All the blonde hair dye in the world won’t give her cover for being stupid and mean.