
“That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” she said. “I know that body-shaming is wrong. That is not the type of person I am.”

They’re white men. Nothing to shoot there.

For some reason. *snicker*

If she’d busted out of silicone valley, and done something really outrageous like GO TO COLLEGE, I’d be mildly interested.

I give Hamm a pass on Kathy Griffin. She’s SO desperate - desperately thirsty, desperate to be funny. She makes me cringe.

He has bad personal hygiene.

He has. And then there was the matter of that dead intern in his Congressional office.

Is it wrong that I just looked at that picture and burst out laughing?

What they have in the cabinet is worthless. No one would buy it. Second hand stores are full of sets of china for 12. No one wants it. I have some very expensive plates that belonged to my mother. No one would give me $5 for them at a yard sale.

Nah. Then you have to pretend to be dead to avoid your husband.

All his other kids were brought up by their mothers. If Barron were a hot daughter it might be a different story.

I understand that - but there are a lot of dumb mofos who don’t.

Throw in a free lunch and a $25 WalMart gift card, and I’m betting they’d get volunteers. Sorry to sound (be) so cynical.

I think there would be plenty of volunteers to be the hangman or the firing squad. Unfortunately.

One of the most striking things about Hillary Clinton’s books is that they don’t reveal anything, including a personality. I can’t imagine Huma would do anything different - the potential costs are too high.

With better hair.

If by barely you mean they didn’t bother to try at all.

“I first saw President Reagan as a foot, highly polished brown cordovan wagging merrily on a hassock. I spied it through the door. It was a beautiful foot, sleek. Such casual elegance and clean lines! But not a big foot, not formidable, maybe a little ...frail. I imagined cradling it in my arms, protecting it from

Not yet.

It’s the only degree he’ll ever get. He barely finished high school.