
Charlie Pierce calls him the “zombie-eyed granny starver.”

Thank you, Meryl. I’m a person with a disability, and a person in media. Thank you for speaking truth to power.

@SenToomey is his twitter handle. #Periods4Pat makes a nice hashtag.

Trump is a salesman. Not a businessman - a salesman - and a damned good one. For example, he’s sold us on the belief that he’s a good businessman, when the evidence is clear that he is not.

One wonders what Melania thinks about Donald’s other wife, and what Jared Kushner thinks about Ivanka’s other husband.

Yes he did. He went to Wharton, which is the business school at Penn State.

It is droll that these shitwits all complain about the “elite,” even though they all graduated from Ivy League schools.

I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often, given male behavior.

That just sends the message that PP doesn’t need gummint funding.


If I could wake up one morning and sing like Sharon Jones, I could die happy.

Let’s see - you pull some numbers out of somewhere and claim that this demographic was Sander’s base? FACTS are my pal, not numbers that I can use to justify my preexisting bias.

Oh, for fuck’s sake - he was right. Hillary tried to have it both ways, but you can’t cozy up to Wall St and then pretend you’re going to spank them.

He grew up in Brooklyn.

Millions of deaths could have been averted if the Bushes had let George go to art school.

And “give him a chance.”

Nestle is an evil empire. And you’re right - a lot of people have never heard of the boycott.

This information comes from...exit polls? Because those are terribly reliable! Yesiree, polling data throughout this endless process has been stunningly reliable!!! Maybe you could ask Nate Silver what he thinks!!