
It’s more than a little presumptuous of Hillary to “celebrate” Rosa Parks by using her on her campaign logo. Ack.

Yes, it does. Quite a bit more, in fact.

Republicans never seem to take the kind of personal responsibility they advocate. Inflammatory rhetoric kills, and Carly helped pull the trigger.

Well no, I didn’t, but don’t let that deter you.

Attention whores aren’t born - they’re built.

He hasn’t insulted rich white hetero guys yet.

I find it interesting that Clinton, as desperate as she is to present herself as “progressive” is still using the term “illegal immigrant.”

Sorry, but that’s bullshit. Nader isn’t the reason that Bush became president. To say that it’s Nader’s fault is to ignore the fact that Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris perpetuated some big serious election theft in Florida. It is to ignore the butterfly ballots and hanging chads. It is to ignore the thousands who were

I’m not at all surprised to find that you’re not able to be convinced that you’re spinning tales. If this is so damned obvious among people who have been watching politics for months, you should have no trouble backing up your opinion. That you chose to engage in projection instead is telling. And boring. And boy. Oh,

Here’s the point, LemurLad. You’re offering up some opinion as fact, and you didn’t offer any actual proof. Just opinion. Now, I have no problem with you expressing an opinion, but you didn’t exactly make any kind of a solid case for your assertions. Offer up something more substantial than “it’s clear in the way he

D’oh - every piece at Jezebel is dismissive of Bernie Sanders.

Oh, well - interviews! Clearly you know him intimately, and are blessed with remarkable political insights.

And you know this because Bernie confides in you?

Poor Rand. It must be tough being even less charismatic than your crazy dad.

I’m mostly okay - thanks!

I was walking down the street recently, and stopped at an intersection. A helicopter flew overhead, kind of low and I burst into tears. Everyone stared.

There is no reason for parents to tell their kids that they’re less than fabulously beautiful. The world will tell an ugly or fat kid that they’re ugly or fat, without any need for parental discussion. Parents should be a safe place, not a “hey kid, you’re ugly, move on” kind of place. They’re going to hear it from

We need to invent a new prochoice movement. Groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL have become empires, consumed with fundraising and lobbying. I don’t want to hold pink signs and behave like a good girl. It’s time for some grassroots action and substance to come back to the pro abortion movement. It’s time for us

Fuckin’ A.

When the economy tanked in 2008, these people lost their jobs, and had no prayer of ever finding employment that paid a livable wage ever again. Someone over 50, without a degree or without serious skills is well and truly screwed in our new part time service job for the rest of us economy. There’s a lot of angst