
We’re a nation of pissy little busybodies, minding everyone else’s business.

Soon we’ll all be snorting non-coca cocaine, and washing it down with alcohol free vodka.

My prediction - he’ll never spend a day in jail. No “treatment.” His lawyers will find a way to weasel him out of the felony and the sex offender list. The elite prep school boys take care of their own.

Hillary was at an event in NH last night. She wasn’t live tweeting anything.

“disingenuous pimple-popper” is my new favorite descriptor.

Only 2 states (out of 50) are part of the fetal tissue donation program. Alabama isn’t one of them. Lying fuckers.

I find the feeding slit in the lower quadrant of his face disturbing.

I don’t have a cause, Pat. And if Hillary can’t stand up to being a candidate without bleating about sexism at every opportunity, SHE is the one hurting the cause of feminism.

It’s an ugly logo that looks as if she’s pointing you all to the right wing of a hospital.

You sound like your candidate. Every criticism she receives is because she’s a woman.

And the hospital is on the right.

She’ll move to the left till she gets elected. Then she’ll head right back to the land of Wall Street funded triangulation.

You should thank them. The Democratic Party establishment anointed Clinton years ago - but the GOP just planted her in the White House.

I’ll never vote for her, but that was one bravura performance.

What do we think Rand Paul will dress up as?

Texas isn’t part of the fetal tissue donation program.

Agreed. He was waiting in the wings to be the establishment candidate in case Hillary blew it. If he enters the race now, it damages her campaign, and she is the anointed.

I’ve waited on hundreds of richardcohens in my life. This is the guy who announces at the beginning of the meal that he controls your tip, and you’d better measure up. He says it in a jokey way, so that his friends laugh - but you and he know better. He then spends the next 3 hours running you ragged. He wants a

I kinda love that he’s so dorky in public. Clinton wouldn’t be caught dead doing this. She’s so scripted that her handlers plan spontaneous moments. He’s a genuinely nice guy. Of course he’s not going anywhere, but at least he’s genuine - and he can laugh at himself.

Imagine a mother boasting about her daughter’s vagina.