I’m so glad to see Tracy Morgan. That he survived that horrific crash and is truly recovering is a wonderful thing.
I’m so glad to see Tracy Morgan. That he survived that horrific crash and is truly recovering is a wonderful thing.
The biggest reason the US lacks resources is because of our bloated Pentagon budget. Over 54% of the federal discretionary budget goes to the DoD. We are still cranking out M1A1 Abrams tanks even though the military doesn’t want them. They go straight into mothballs. Same thing with the C-27 cargo planes. They cost…
No shit, Jethro. Unlike you, I have no trouble understand what I read. Now, you get the last word in. You know you want to.
No, I’m note exactly James Joyce. Pro-tip: when you want to criticize someone’s writing, it’s a good idea to be literate and coherent.
Let’s see - you were presumably defending the dullard who called Obama “our FDR.” I pointed out some distinctly un-FDR like actions. You claim these were meaningless, because again, it’s obvious that you didn’t understand what was written.
Funny how that isn’t what I said, either. Your reading comprehension skills don’t seem to be very sharp. I said Obama didn’t allow single payer advocates at the table. What part of that are you having such trouble understanding?
Hmm. I didn’t say that Gregg BECAME Sec. of Commerce. Perhaps if you’d read what I wrote instead of reading between unwritten lines....
One of his first acts in office was to nominate right wing Republican Senator Judd Gregg of NH to be Secretary of Commerce. There was no need for that. There is no justification. The obstructionist Congress didn’t make him do it. Obama’s barely a liberal. It’s just that the Democratic Party has moved so far to the…
Our FDR? Hardly. FDR gave us Social Security. Obama refused to allow single payer advocates to sit in on the discussion of health care reform.
OMG - Chaffee had the temerity to diss Queen Hillary - so he gets subjected to appearance snark.
Can you explain how Hillary qualifies as a “progressive?”
“Frontrunner and presumed nominee Hillary Clinton...”
Thank heaven we’ve resisted the impulse to do anything so far.
Because that’s where the power and the money is - in dumbassery.
Can she point to what God’s definition of marriage is, and where it is in her Bible? That same God she’s allying herself with called for adulterers (like her) to be stoned to death.
I failed to see any mention in your pissy little commentary about NH liquor stores being run by the state, and that it was state employees that were expected to discuss rapey named drinks with the drunks buying liquor on the highway. That’s right. A number of our state run liquor stores are right along the 2 major…
Only in the United States do we celebrate being monolingual as if that were an indication of intelligence, instead of just the opposite.
Thanks for reminding us that just as there are straight assholes, there are gay assholes too.
The military REALLY doesn’t want women to be part of its glorious dickflagwaving patriotism.
I’m talking about the clowns that run for the NH House. Rockingham County, NH is filled with rightwing teabag Republicans from Massachusetts. You’ve never heard of them (unless you follow NH state politics) but they’ve done incredible damage to the state. Oh, and a lot of the Free Staters came from MA, too.