
Eh... too many "art projects" IMO. I ponied up for the Pocket Grill, cause I thought it was useful, and had a tangible product, but I can't be bothered to sift thru all the clutter of art school projects that someone thought would be cool.

Flux capacitor in a can!

So, the way I read this is, they're currently developing the system to slow your mobile speeds down in order to sell you a "fastpass" at a premium. Damnit... and here I am drooling over all the new LTE Verizon phones coming out this month!

Then he may as well change his twitter feed to "KutcherMedia" or something. I see your point, but I use twitter in a different way(different perspective as you said). For me, it's more of an opinion source and less of a news source... He built his twitter following by being more active, connected and responsive than

Good article. Yea, he stepped on his &!@# with his initial uninformed tweet, but he apologized and took the time to respond to people who called him out on being an idiot... He acted like a fallible human, which made him relatable (to me at least :P ). If anything, that made me dislike him less. Now that he's getting

I won't like Asimo until he starts saying "bidybidybidy" before everything.

Great success!!

Does that come with phone software? I have a USB version that gave me an excuse to buy a laptop, but if you can just use your phone for all that, that's pretty trick.

@ Brent Rose - I saw where you went strait to the camera app from the lock screen, but there was a video edit transition before I could see you snap off a photo. It does look pretty fast rapid fire from the next part, but without seeing it fire up to first photo saved, I'm still left wondering.

How does the RAZR do with taking quick pictures? You know, when something awesome/hilarious is happening and you only have a second to whip out your camera to capture it all.

Maybe that's why they used it. Having all the innards laminated together would create a rigid sandwich, and the kevlar is just a protective cover that helps dissipate force by giving it a tiny bit of flex? Having plastic at that thickness might have just make it easier to crack.

Clever move DippinDots. I might actually try them now that they are an endangered species...


Wow... You may have just convinced me to buy into GoogleTV and Plex.

So, can I get a David Bowie special for half price?

Pfft... make two at a time LIKE A BOSS!

Damnit, got excited and missed your previous posting!

Sweet jesus, more awesomeness during the warrantied period, and more failure for after that! It's a win-win (for BMW)!

They must have thought he said give him a lot of chalupa meat.